Pipewell Phone Box
Rushton Parish Council wish to thank the New Albion Wind Farm Fund for their kind funding of the Pipewell Phone Box project
Rushton Parish Council wish to thank the New Albion Wind Farm Fund for their kind funding of the Pipewell Phone Box project
Anglian Water has advised the Parish Council of the above works due to start in February. The company’s communication can be found via the following link. Rushton Water Recycling centre
Birchfield Springs Enforcement Notice Appeal January 2021
The Annual Audit for 2019/20 has now been completed and the External Auditor’s Report and Certificate together with the Notice of Conclusion of Audit can be viewed under Annual Reports on the Documents page.
Dog Fouling Campaign Following many comments and complaints, Councillor Lynne White raised the dog fouling issue at the September parish council meeting. As a new councillor and a considerate dog owner, and with the awesome help of Rushton Primary School,…
Vacancy Notice Rushton October 2020
NCC Covid-19 A5 leaflet v5 ariel font